Importance of sociology | benefit of studying sociology

Human is a social being, who is non-existent without society and society cannot stand without its foundation. The relationship between society and man is unbreakable and scholars have analyzed this complex relationship from diverse perspectives. There is no doubt that society and humans are interdependent. Society provides the resources and opportunities necessary for an individual to live, learn, grow and develop. Language, culture, customs and beliefs, which are an integral part of society, shape our personality and connect us with others. On the other hand, individuals also shape the society and contribute to keeping it vibrant. Our actions, thoughts and creativity change the society and make it progressive. Our social roles, such as parent, teacher or citizen, contribute to the smooth functioning of society. Therefore, society and man complement each other. Without dependence on each other, their existence remains incomplete. Sociology is the science that studies this important relationship in detail. It examines human social behavior, social structures and institutions. This knowledge helps us better understand and create a society where every person has the opportunity to live a prosperous and meaningful life.

Importance of sociology :

Sociology is an important social science concerned with the scientific study of society and social change. The usefulness and importance of the study of sociology is felt in every country today. Social conditions play an important role in the formation of personality and social structure, hence sociology becomes even more useful for the country. Sociology helps to identify social problems and find solutions. It helps in understanding social systems, institutions and processes of social change. Sociology is also necessary to promote social justice and equality.

Sociology has wide use in the society. It helps us understand social problems, study social institutions and manage social change. The general utility and importance of sociology can be explained by the following points –

1. Scientific knowledge regarding society :

Accurate information about any society can be obtained only through sociology. The study of sociology itself provides scientific information about the origin, development and characteristics of society. As a social science, sociology introduces us to humanity and society. Information about various ideals and objectives of the society is also available from sociology. Thus, through sociology we get scientific information about the society.

2. Helpful in adapting to new social conditions

Sociological knowledge helps us to adapt to new social conditions. Modern human society is dynamic. Today man has learned to fly in the sky. Old beliefs are changing rapidly. Today, there are many new situations before a person, sociology tells how to adjust to them. By taking advantage of sociological knowledge, a person can save himself from the path of disintegration by adapting to the new social conditions. Sociological knowledge enables us to do the following: १. Understand new situations २. Analyze them ३. Assess them ४. Anticipate them ५.  Prepare for them. Thus, sociological knowledge not only helps us understand current social situations. , but also helps to prepare for future situations. This enables the individual to remain stable and adapted even in times of disruption and chaos.

3. Knowledge of common problems of social life

Through the study of sociology we gain understanding of the common problems that arise in social life. In modern times, social life has become complex due to which selfishness, needs, objectives and problems in social life have also become complex. Sociology does the work of understanding and explaining these complexities scientifically. Sociology helps us understand social system, social relations and social problems by studying various aspects of social life.

4. Helpful in achieving religious unity

Sociology plays an important role in promoting religious unity in the society. It makes people aware of the realities and shared characteristics of different religions. Additionally, sociology helps in understanding the relationship between religion and social life. This understanding encourages religious harmony and reduces discrimination and conflict. Sociological studies also provide strategies for promoting religious unity, such as mediation, dialogue, and education. Therefore, sociology is a valuable tool in building religious unity and promoting a harmonious and tolerant society.

5. Helpful in solving social problems

Sociology is the scientific study of social problems, which include serious problems like crime, juvenile delinquency, prostitution, beggary and poverty. Sociologists identify the root causes of these problems and try to find solutions. Sociology helps us understand why these problems occur and how we can overcome them. This helps policy makers and social workers to develop effective interventions that can help reduce these problems and improve society.

6. Family Life and Sociology

There are many challenges in family life, such as budget management, raising children, selection of life partner, mutual coordination and marital relations. Sociology is essential to understand these complex problems, as it provides scientific information on various aspects of family life. From raising children to coordinating with a spouse, sociology helps us understand these complexities and streamline family life.

7. International life and sociology

Knowledge of sociology can remove hostility and animosity at the international level, thereby promoting friendship and tolerance. This simplifies the issue of international peacekeeping. It is a way to solve international problems like war. By this we can understand the social norms, cultural values and behaviors that influence international relations.

8. Professional importance of sociology

The professional importance of sociology cannot be ignored. The role of sociologists as social engineers is becoming important day by day. They are making significant contributions in various fields including social welfare, administration, rural reconstruction, family planning, census, social services, community planning, village and town planning.

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