What is “Evaluation” : Meaning, Definition, Objectives, Characteristics and Types of Evaluation

Meaning of Evaluation :

Evaluation means determining the value. Evaluation is a process of determining value. Evaluation is a continuous and inevitable part of the teaching process. Teachers constantly evaluate the students of their class. Measurement describes the qualities and characteristics of a person or thing, while evaluation examines the desirability and importance of those characteristics. Measurement is only one component of evaluation. Through Evaluation, teachers get information about the progress of students and can adjust their teaching methods accordingly.

Evaluation is the process of determining the value of a quality, ability or characteristic. Evaluation provides both quantitative and qualitative information from which a child’s abilities and achievements can be assessed. The basic meaning of evaluation is to assess the value. The literal meaning of evaluation can be explained in this way :

Evaluation = Measurement + Value determination

Thus, Evaluation that incorporates both measurement and value determines and values the expected behavioral change in students through learning experiences. Measurement is an integral part of evaluation, which is always implicit. Evaluation allows us to track students’ progress, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and ensure that they are getting the most from their education.

Definition of Evaluation :

The definitions of evaluation are as follows-

1. According to H.H. Ramers and M.L. Gage, “Evaluation involves the expansion of what is good or what is desirable from the point of view of the individual or society or both.”

2. According to Bradfield and Mourdock, “Evaluation is to add symbols to an event so that the importance or value of that event can be known in the context of some social, cultural or scientific criteria.”

3. According to N.M. Dandekar, “Evaluation can be defined as a systematic process of finding out the extent to which students have achieved educational objectives.”

Objectives of Evaluation :

1. Supporting students’ growth and development

Evaluation plays an important role in the growth and development of students. It provides them with feedback on their progress, allowing them to identify their areas of development and make improvements. Evaluation motivates students to focus on their weaknesses and promote their overall development.

2. Checking the knowledge acquired by students

Evaluation shows how much knowledge the student has acquired and how much they have benefited from it. It is an important way to assess student development and learning progress. Without Evaluation, it is not possible to know what the student has learned and how much help they need.

3. To know the obstacles arising in the growth and development of students

One objective of Evaluation is to identify and remove factors hindering students’ progress. It helps in highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the students, enabling them to overcome obstacles on their growth path. Comprehensive development is possible only when students are aware of their intelligence and barriers to development, and Evaluation facilitates this process.

4. To know the factors hindering the educational progress of students

Evaluation identifies factors hindering students’ academic progress. This information helps to overcome obstacles, practice and improve weaknesses in the future. An important objective of evaluation is to detect obstacles to progress. Students need to know about their learning difficulties and weaknesses. Evaluation techniques diagnose their learning problems, which hinder their progress. Evaluation thus helps both teachers and students to identify areas of improvement needed to improve student progress. Through Evaluation, teachers can assess the learning level of students, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and track their academic progress.

5. To develop competitive spirit among students

An important objective of evaluation is to generate a sense of competition among the students. This feeling inspires students to overcome their shortcomings and pursue all-round development. Thus, Evaluation acts as a driving force, motivating students to reach their full potential and developing a competitive spirit in them. Through this competition, students are motivated to enhance their knowledge and skills and develop determination to achieve their goals. Evaluation, by fostering a spirit of competition, contributes to the academic and personal development of students.

6. To be aware of individual differences of students

The purpose of Evaluation is to find out the individual differences of students. To differentiate between good and weak students, and between high and low ability students, it is necessary to assess the variation in students’ intelligence and ability. This information can help teachers differentiate instruction according to students’ needs and improve their learning.

7. Selecting and classifying students

The purpose of evaluation is also to divide students into categories based on their talent. In classroom teaching, it becomes necessary to identify students based on their intellectual level. As such they can be identified as gifted, average level or less intelligent students. Based on this type of classification, Evaluation is required to provide proper education to the students.

8. Proof of educational qualification for promotion and employment

Certificates contain information about students’ educational qualifications and skills, which help them obtain employment or further education. These certificates contain details of students’ grades, marks and other Evaluations, providing evidence of their academic achievements. Therefore, it is important to objectively and accurately assess the skills and abilities of students. This ensures that they are provided with appropriate certifications based on their abilities, which in turn helps them in successful careers and further education opportunities.

Tasks of Evaluation :

The objectives of measurement and evaluation in education determine its functions. These objectives are as follows:-

1. It is important to evaluate students’ abilities and qualifications in the admission process. By understanding their interests and tendencies, institutions can ensure that students receive education as per their interests and abilities. This will help students achieve their goals and be successful in the future.

2. After admission, it is necessary to evaluate the intelligence and personality of the students and divide them into appropriate classes. Also, providing support to their personality development from time to time is also an important part of education. Through this process, students can realize their potential and develop as a well-rounded person.

3. To assess the impact of teaching on the students from time to time and on the basis of that Evaluation, guide the students and motivate them to reach a goal.

4. It is important to assess and provide feedback on students’ academic achievements from time to time. Identifying students’ strengths and weaknesses and tracking their progress helps teachers personalize their education and provide the support needed to help students succeed. It is equally important to provide feedback to the students on their progress, so that they can take necessary steps to improve their performance.

5. At the end of the session, achievement tests are conducted to evaluate the performance of the students. Based on the test, students are given pass/fail, grades are awarded, and promotions are given in the class. Successful students are awarded certificates, which are evidence of their academic achievement.

6. Teacher-student relationships have a deep impact on students. Teachers’ behavior should be evaluated from time to time and its positive and negative effects on students should be studied. This evaluation will provide suggestions for improvement and important guidance towards action research.

7. After general education, the intelligence, inclination and ability of the students should be ascertained and on the basis of that they should be provided educational and professional guidance. This will help students to choose their future according to their interest and abilities. Also, it will help them develop their skills in the field in which they can excel. This will help students reach their full potential and succeed in their lives.

8. From time to time, study the impact of the Principal’s behavior towards teachers and students on the educational process and make suggestions for improvement.

Principle of Evaluation :

The evaluation process is science based and systematic. Its key principles include:-

1. It is necessary to employ evaluation tools according to the purpose of evaluation. Various evaluation tools are available, each contributing to the achievement of a specific evaluation goal.

2. Unless the objective of evaluation is well defined, care should not be taken in the selection or development of evaluation instruments. If equipment is not available, efforts should be made to make appropriate equipment.

3. While using each Evaluation method and tool, the appraiser must have complete knowledge regarding their utility. They should be used keeping in mind their good characteristics and limitations.

4. Using a single instrument is not sufficient to fully evaluate any individual. Therefore, a variety of evaluation methods and tools should be used for comprehensive evaluation.

5. The appraiser should exercise utmost care while conducting the Evaluation and try his best to avoid any kind of errors.

6. It is important to follow principles and ethical values in evaluation. The principles ensure mandate, impartiality, credibility and accountability.

7. Evaluation should not be done only for the sake of Evaluation but should be done to achieve a definite objective. Along with this, evaluation should never be considered as an end but should be considered as a means to other achievements and should proceed only.

Steps of the Evaluation Process :

Different subjects have different objectives for teaching and to achieve these, students are given different types of learning tasks. This also brings many changes in the behavior of the students. Evaluation is an ongoing process that involves a variety of activities. It can be divided into sequential posts as follows-

(i) To determine common objectives.

(ii) Setting specific objectives.

(iii) Selecting teaching points.

(iv) Organizing appropriate learning activities.

(v) To observe behavioral changes in students.

(vi) To assess based on the evidence received.

(vii) Using the results as feedback.

Types of Evaluation :

Evaluation can be divided into two broad categories:

1. Structural Evaluation

When an educational plan is started to be prepared and evaluated to improve it, this process is called formative evaluation. Its objective is to improve the effectiveness, quality and relevance of the scheme. This evaluation is done before finalizing the plan, so that necessary improvements can be made in it. For example, if an initial draft of a research proposal is evaluated to ensure that it is suitable to present and implement, this would be considered a formative Evaluation. This role in evaluation is called structural evaluation.

The purpose of structural evaluation is to identify the shortcomings of the educational plan and suggest ways to improve them. It involves three parts: 1. Collecting evidence on the merits and demerits of the educational plan. 2. Identifying deficiencies based on this evidence. 3. To give suggestions to remove the shortcomings and improve the program.

2. Summative Evaluation

The evaluation done after starting and ending the academic program is called summative evaluation. The purpose of this evaluation is to determine whether the plan or program should be continued or not. The main objective of summative evaluation is to decide whether to continue the ongoing plan or not. Furthermore, summative evaluation helps in deciding which alternative programs to continue and which to drop.

For example, when a teacher suggests the best book out of several books for a subject, it is called summative evaluation. In this, the merits and demerits of several options are examined and the best one is selected. Summative evaluation is a process of comparing alternatives and selecting the best one.

Characteristics of Evaluation Process :

Following are the features of evaluation-

1. Holism

Holism means including in the evaluation all those aspects which help in comprehensively understanding all the qualities, achievements and actions of an individual. For example, to evaluate the knowledge of a person, we should be aware of all types of knowledge – theoretical, practical, micro and macro. This gives an overall picture of his knowledge. Similarly, to evaluate the “perfection” of a person, all his aspects – physical, mental, social, moral, spiritual etc. must be examined.

2. Reliability

An evaluation must be reliable. This means that the evaluation results must be reliable. For example, if a person’s educational aptitude is to be evaluated, the results obtained from the evaluation should always be the same. In other words, the evaluation results should be stable and reliable. Only then can the Evaluation be considered reliable.

3. Objectivity

Objectivity means evaluating an object or situation without any bias or prejudice. The results of the Evaluation should be based on the nature of the object and not on the personal thoughts or feelings of the appraiser. For example, in front of food, a creature has a desire to eat. This reaction is similar in all living beings. Similarly, in objective Evaluation, correct answers get full marks and wrong answers get zero marks.

4. Practicality

Making evaluation practical means making it easy to implement or use. Practicality applies to both the object and the construction aspect. This characteristic is based on the techniques used in the Evaluation process. For example, it may be helpful to make the cost of evaluation practical, as well as the easy use of evaluation tools.

5. Validity

Validity means that the evaluation should be relevant to the area for which the evaluation is being done. For example, if a person’s efficiency is to be evaluated, it should not evaluate his intellectual capacity. Validity establishes consistency between the teacher’s opinion about the student and the results obtained from the Evaluation. Validity is the consistency of test results with reality.

Role of Evaluation in Education :

Education is a complex process which involves teaching, learning and evaluation. Evaluation is an essential part of education that helps in tracking the progress of students and measuring their performance. Evaluation helps teachers identify the strengths and weaknesses of students. This allows them to adjust their teaching approach and meet the individual needs of students. Evaluation also provides students with feedback on their progress, motivating them to work toward their learning goals. There are many forms of Evaluation in education, such as essay tests, multiple choice tests and practical tasks. Each type of Evaluation is designed to measure students’ skills and knowledge.

The Evaluation process should be fair and reliable so that it accurately represents the abilities of students. Evaluation is also used to certify students and determine their academic qualifications. This allows them to proceed to the next educational levels or enter the job market.

In short, Evaluation in education plays an important role in tracking the progress of students and measuring their performance. It helps teachers adjust their teaching approach, motivate students and help them certify their academic competency.

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