Educational Psychology : Definition, Nature, Scopes and Contribution

Education” is an English word, which is derived from the Latin word “Educatum“. It means to bring up together. In Hindi, education means ‘knowledge’. According to Mahatma Gandhi, education “refers to the holistic development of body, mind and spirit of the individual.”

The English word psychology is made up of two words ‘psyche’ and ‘logus’. ‘Psyche’ means ‘soul’ and ‘Logos’ means ‘study’. Therefore, psychology deals with the study and discussion of the soul. In educational psychology, psychological principles are used to improve the teaching and learning process. It studies the behavior of the individual in educational situations.

Educational psychology helps to understand learner’s behaviour, motivation, cognitive processes and learning environment. The main objective of educational psychology is to make teaching more effective and efficient. It enables teachers to understand the learning needs of students and adjust teaching strategies accordingly. It also helps students understand their learning style, strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, educational psychology helps to identify and overcome learning problems. It also helps students develop strategies to maximize their learning potential. In short, educational psychology is an important field to understand and improve the teaching and learning process. It enables teachers to teach effectively and students to learn efficiently.

Definition of Educational Psychology :

According to Crow and Crow, “Educational psychology gives description and explanation of learning experiences from birth to old age.”

According to Skinner, “Educational psychology is that branch of psychology which is related to teaching and learning.”

Thus, educational psychology is the study of individual’s behaviour, mental processes and experiences in the field of education. The purpose of educational psychology is to develop effective teaching techniques and assess the abilities and interests of students. It is a branch of applied psychology that focuses on improving the teaching and learning process. Educational psychology provides a deep understanding of how students learn, and helps teachers implement effective teaching methods. It also explores concepts such as individual differences, motivation, and assessment in education. The field of educational psychology is constantly evolving, with new research and theories emerging to improve teaching and learning.

Nature of Educational Psychology :

1. The study of educational psychology analyzes the behavior of the learner in the educational environment through scientific methods, rules and principles. For this reason, the nature of educational psychology is scientific. It helps in deeply understanding the learning process of the learners and developing suitable strategies for their effective learning.

2. There are two types of science: constitutive and regulatory. Legislative science is based on facts while regulatory science is based on evaluation. Legislative science explains how things are, while normative science explains how things should be.

3. Education and educational psychology are two interrelated fields. The nature of education is synthetic, that is, it combines different areas of knowledge and skills. Educational psychology is analytical in nature, breaking down the processes of education and attempting to understand how individuals learn and develop. Both synthetic and analytical approaches are necessary for a holistic understanding of education.

4. Educational psychology is a science of behavior as it studies the behavior of children in the educational environment. It helps to understand how children learn, how to manage their behavior and how to motivate them to achieve their educational goals.

5. Educational psychology studies the behavior of children in school or other educational settings. It focuses on helping to understand how children learn and how their individual characteristics, environment, and teaching methods influence their behavior. It helps teachers and other professionals to create effective teaching strategies and support students in their educational journey.

Scope of Educational Psychology :

Psychology provides important assistance in addressing important problems of education, such as students’ learning, teachers’ teaching and evaluation of educational systems. Psychology helps in understanding the students’ learning process and teaching strategies, as well as guides students’ behavior and motivation. The scope of educational psychology is to identify and study these problems and their potential solutions, in order to improve the quality of education and increase the chances of success for all students.

1. Educational guidance and counseling

Teachers have a sacred job, shaping the lives of students. They provide right direction to the students in education and their personal life. Students often face personal issues that require guidance from teachers. It is the duty of teachers to provide guidance related to education and career to the students. The role of teachers is also important in adjusting the students in the class. To give right guidance to the students, teachers need to study the students’ environment, learning level, memory, habits, abilities, intelligence, mental health etc. This is the field of study of psychology.

2. Curriculum development

It is not appropriate to create a uniform curriculum for all students. Because all students have individual differences in interests, aptitude, needs, age, intelligence and abilities. Therefore, the curriculum should be designed as per the needs of the students. The curriculum should be designed in such a way that all students get equal opportunity to learn. The teacher must understand the special needs of each student and create the curriculum accordingly.

3. Study methods

Educational psychology is a growing field. Many of the currently prevalent methods are not suitable for the study. Exploring different study methods and making necessary improvements in existing methods is also part of this field. Educational psychology is a relatively new science and is constantly evolving. Its subject is not limited.

4. Learn

A fundamental problem in the field of education is how children learn and how their learning can be made more effective. Educational psychology studies various aspects of learning, such as: – Laws and principles of learning – Factors influencing learning – Transfer of learned knowledge Understanding these aspects helps teachers and educationists to improve the learning process of students. can help them understand and maximize their learning capabilities.

5. Group psychology

Importance of Group Study in Children In this modern era, children all over the world are given education in groups. The psychology of education not only focuses on individual behavior but also understands group dynamics. Studies explain why and how individuals’ behavior changes when they join a group. Group experience, influenced by communication, roles and norms, has a significant impact on individual behavior. It is essential to understand that the group environment shapes the learning, development and overall well-being of individuals.

6. Measurement and evaluation

Psychology in education is used to measure the academic progress and special abilities of children. Besides, it is also used to measure intelligence, personality and characteristics. In the learning process, it is very important for teachers to know about the intelligence, personality and abilities of children. Measurement of all these things comes under the field of educational psychology.

7. Growth and development

Educational psychology is a scientific field that studies various aspects of human development, including physical growth, cognitive development, social-emotional development, and academic achievement. The field focuses on the four major stages of human development – infancy, childhood, adolescence and adulthood – examining the physical, cognitive, social and emotional changes that occur at each stage. Educational psychology also examines the factors influencing human development, including both heredity and environmental influences.

8. Mental Health and Adjustment

Psychology has made it clear that the mental health and adjustment capacity of children and teachers play an important role in the education and development of children. In educational psychology, those elements are studied which create obstacles and dilemmas in the mental development of children and teachers. Besides, the causes of maladjustment and methods of overcoming them are also studied.

Contribution of Psychology to Education :

Psychology and education are two interdependent fields that influence and enrich each other. Psychology has an important contribution in education, which helps in improving the teaching-learning process, understanding the learning abilities of students and increasing the effectiveness of teachers.

(i) Understanding the Teaching-Learning Process

Psychology helps in understanding various aspects of the teaching-learning process. Psychological research is used to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching methods, identify learning styles, and investigate cognitive and social factors that influence learning. This information helps teachers adapt their teaching approach, make learning more effective and engaging, and meet the individual needs of students.

(ii) Understanding the learning abilities of students

Psychology also plays an important role in understanding the learning abilities of students. Psychological tests and assessments are used to identify cognitive strengths, weaknesses and academic potential of students. This information helps teachers provide appropriate instruction to students, building on their strengths and addressing their learning challenges.

(iii) Increasing the effectiveness of teachers

Psychology also contributes to increasing the effectiveness of teachers. Teacher psychology courses assist teachers in understanding student behavior, developing classroom management techniques, and implementing effective teaching strategies. With this knowledge, teachers are able to create a positive and supportive learning environment, which is vital to student success.

Conclusion :

The contribution of psychology to education is invaluable. It helps in understanding the teaching-learning process, identifying the learning abilities of students and increasing the effectiveness of teachers. This intersection of psychology and education is a powerful combination that is necessary to ensure quality education for all students.

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