Definition and importance of applied sociology | What is applied sociology

Proponents of applied sociology give priority to applied research in sociology. This research focuses less on acquiring knowledge and more on applying the knowledge in life. Its objective is to understand social behavior and social problems. Applied sociologists strive to understand and address various aspects and issues of social life. Their ultimate goal is to reform and restructure society. Applied sociology believes that research should be used to solve social problems and improve people’s lives. This approach is adopted by social workers, community organizers and others who are committed to bringing about positive change in the society. Applied sociology also contributes to the development of social policy and programs that seek to improve people’s lives and society as a whole.

Definition of applied sociology :

According to Federico, “Practical sociology is an experimental branch of general sociology which emphasizes on using sociological knowledge to improve the lives of people.”

Importance of applied sociology :

The significance of knowledge lies in its usefulness. Keeping this fact in mind, the practical aspect of sociology has become quite relevant nowadays. Applied sociology is playing an important role in studying various social problems and finding their solutions. Whatever may be the development of sociology theoretically, its usefulness lies in the fact that the society can be improved through its principles. Today sociologists have also started accepting this. Therefore, the scope of applied sociology is continuously expanding. The role of applied sociology in the study of social problems is important because it takes into account real situations and scenarios. It identifies the roots of social problems and suggests practical solutions to them. Applied sociology helps to promote social change and development. It provides information and tools to policy makers and social welfare workers to understand and deal with social problems. Thus, the objective of applied sociology is to improve society and promote social welfare. It connects theoretical and empirical research, helping sociology to become more relevant and useful.

Applied sociology is a subfield of sociology that focuses on practical applications of human relationships. This field enables sociologists to analyze different environments and develop theories and methods to solve social problems. According to Glynn and Dittmer, applied sociology provides sociologists with the opportunity to study human interactions in a changing environment. This knowledge helps them formulate principles that are important for the development of healthy social policies and programs. Apart from theories, applied sociology studies constraints in social life.

Modern society is highly complex and dynamic. Without practical knowledge, the disintegration of today’s huge society cannot be imagined. Knowledge of applied sociology not only provides solutions to problems but also makes the members of the society aware about their social life and problems. This is the utility of practical sociology which no other body of knowledge can replace. It is difficult to live in a society without an understanding of social system and structure. Applied sociology helps individuals understand social norms, roles, and institutions. This enables them to align their behavior with society and interact effectively. Applied sociology also plays an important role in identifying problems and exploring their possible solutions. It provides an understanding of the processes of social change and development, which helps members of society to better prepare for future challenges. Furthermore, applied sociology enables people to criticize their social environment and recognize its shortcomings. This inspires to work for social justice and equality, thereby creating a more just and inclusive society. In conclusion, knowledge of applied sociology is indispensable to understand the practical aspects of life in modern society. It helps solve problems, raise awareness, and facilitate social change, enabling members of society to successfully navigate their social lives and live a happy and fulfilled life.

Applied sociology plays an important role in the study of social problems, welfare and policy making. It helps in identification, solution of social problems and development of social services. In policy making, it analyzes the social impacts of policies and suggests necessary changes. Its importance can be explained in the following way-

1. The use of sociological knowledge plays an important role in understanding and solving various problems of the society, such as poverty, unemployment, crime, juvenile delinquency, alcohol abuse, mental and communal disturbances, etc.

2. Many branches of sociology are making important contributions in the business field such as sociology of education, sociology of law, sociology of medicine, sociology of military life, sociology of crime etc. These branches help businesses understand their respective fields.

3. Applied sociology plays an important role in helping developed and developing countries achieve their goals by promoting social planning. Sociologists and other social scientists play an important role in planning. They identify social issues, suggest solutions and shape social development policies. Their contributions help solve social problems, improve standards of living, and make nations more inclusive and equitable.

4. Sociological knowledge awakens feelings of nationalism among the citizens and helps in accelerating the process of nation building. For example, in India, sociological knowledge is being used to overcome major barriers like casteism, linguism, regionalism and territorialism and to awaken feelings of nationalism.

5. According to T. B. Bottomore, sociologists discuss social issues that arise before politicians, administrators and social reformers. Their analysis and knowledge provide guidance to policy-makers, aiding their policy-making process. Bottomore believes that social studies are essential for policy-makers because they provide them with objective and rational information on which to base their policies. Sociologists help understand social challenges, explore different perspectives, and suggest alternative solutions. Their work enables policy-makers to make informed decisions that promote community well-being. Sociological knowledge makes the policy making process more effective by highlighting the complexities of policy issues.

6. In today’s era of industrialization and mechanization, our lives are becoming increasingly international. For this reason, it has become important to understand other societies and their cultures. Therefore, applied sociology has an important role in solving international relations and maintaining harmony. Applied sociology studies social behavior and cultures of different societies, helping us better understand different people. This study helps to reduce intercultural conflicts, promote appreciation of cultural diversity, and build bridges between different groups. An understanding of applied sociology can help us respect other cultures, communicate effectively with foreign people, and create a more inclusive and harmonious global community.

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