What is “Teaching” : Concept, Definitions, Types, Nature and Characteristics

“Teaching” is a social process, which means “to educate”. It is a triangular process involving teachers, students and curriculum. Teaching means exchange of ideas or interaction between teacher and students through subject matter. Teaching is an active process, in which there is active participation of teacher and students. The teacher presents the subject matter and helps students learn, while students actively learn and develop their knowledge and skills.

Narrower Meaning of Teaching :

The narrow meaning of teaching is school education, in which a change in the behavior of a child is brought about according to the curriculum given by the teacher at a specific place, in a specific environment. In this the teacher gives knowledge and advice to the student in the class.

In ancient times, the education system used to be teacher-oriented, where gurus used to teach children as per their wish. At that time, not much attention was paid to the interests and hobbies of children. But in today’s time the education system has become child centric. This means that now children are given education according to their interests and hobbies. Due to this change education has become more effective and interesting.

Wider meaning of Teaching :

The broad meaning of teaching encompasses the entire process through which a person learns throughout his life. It covers all types of education, whether formal, informal or non-formal. In this broader concept of education, a person continuously develops and refines his abilities from birth till death. This process affects all aspects of life, making the individual emerge as a full and capable member of the society.

Definitions of Teaching :

1. According to B.F. Skinner, “learning is a sequence of contingencies of repetition.”

2. According to H.C. Morrison, “Teaching is the process in which a more developed personality comes in contact with a less developed personality and the developed personality makes arrangements for the advance education of the less developed personality.”

3. According to Burton, “Teaching is the inspiration, direction, guidance and encouragement given for learning.”

4. According to Raeburn, “There are three points of teaching – teacher, learner and subject matter. Establishing a relationship between these three is teaching. This relationship helps in the development of the child’s powers.”

Types of Teaching :

A brief description of the types of teaching is as follows-

  • Objective based learning
  • Action based learning
  • Level based teaching
  • Governance and administration based
  • Education system based

1. Objective based learning –

On the basis of objectives, teaching can be of three types-

(i) Cognitive teaching: The main goal of this teaching is to develop and strengthen cognitive aspects or behavior (knowing, understanding, using, analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating etc.).

(ii) Emotional education: Emotional education emphasizes on emotional development. There is a focus on refining and managing emotions and impulses, which become an essential part of the learning process.

(iii) Functional teaching: In this type of teaching, special attention is paid to behavior change. In this type of teaching, emphasis is given towards teaching a skill or a specific method of doing a task. In this type of teaching students are provided opportunities to perform a task or use a skill in real life situations.

2. Action based learning –

Teaching is a continuous and active process involving a variety of interactions between teachers and students. On the basis of these activities, teaching can be divided into three main types-

(i) Transmission of knowledge: In this type of teaching, the teacher gives information to the students, which the students receive directly. This is the most traditional method of teaching and can be done through lectures, textbooks, and online resources.

(ii) Skill Development: In this type of teaching, the teacher helps students learn specific skills, such as solving mathematical problems, conducting experiments, or giving presentations. This learning can be done through practical activities, projects and group tasks.

(iii) Value Assimilation: In this type of teaching, the teacher helps the students to adopt values, attitudes and beliefs. This teaching can be done through discussion, role playing and simulation.

3. Level based teaching –

Teaching is a continuous and comprehensive process. It is a process that can equally affect different mental levels of a person. For example, the process of teaching can start from the level of unthinking and move to the level of rational thinking. On this basis, teaching can be of three types-

(i) Mechanical teaching: This is the most basic form of teaching, in which the learner is trained in certain activities or skills. In this type of teaching, the learner is not required to think, and they simply repeat what they have learned.

(ii) Practical Learning: This is a more advanced form of learning, which requires learners to understand concepts and principles. In this type of learning, learners are actively involved in the learning process and use critical thinking to develop their understanding.

(iii) Rational Learning: This is the most complex form of learning, requiring learners to develop higher order thinking skills. In this type of learning, learners test their understanding and solve complex problems using skills such as analysis, evaluation, and synthesis.

4. Governance and administration based –

According to the government and administration, the governance system and education system of the country has a deep impact on the nature of education. It takes shape according to the type of administrative system in which education is imparted. On the basis of administration, education can generally be divided into three types-

(i) Autocratic Teaching: In autocratic teaching method the teacher is supreme. He instructs the students and guides their activities. In this method, teacher’s ideas are given priority, while students have to follow them. Therefore, the teacher may also give wrong knowledge to the students.

(ii) Democratic Teaching: In student-cooperative teaching method, students and teachers learn together. Students learn through conversation and non-verbal activities. The teacher acts as a guide or director. Both students and teachers should respect each other’s views.

(iii) Laisses Teaching: Free style teaching is called liberatory teaching method. It emphasizes the natural process of learning of the child. In this, children remain free from pressure and obstacles. Teachers encourage children’s creativity and treat them in a friendly manner.

5. Education system based –

From the point of view of system, teaching can be of two types-

(i) Formal teaching: Formal teaching is a purposeful and systematic teaching system. It follows a set curriculum and is conducted at a certain age, time and place. In formal teaching, there are clear roles and responsibilities for both the teacher and the student. Students are expected to complete the curriculum and perform well in tests and assessments. Schools, colleges and universities are examples of formal education.

(ii) Informal education: In this, teaching is organized on the basis of definite objectives, but there is no restriction of curriculum, time, place and income. This education is usually lifelong and based on practical experiences. It is suitable for people of any age and can be delivered through classes, workshops, seminars or personal learning. There are many benefits of informal education. It helps individuals to apply their knowledge and skills in different situations of life. It provides them with the opportunity to actively participate in their community and improve their personal and professional development.

Informal education complements formal education and is seen as an important aspect of lifelong learning. It enables individuals to meet the challenges of the changing world and achieve success in their personal and professional lives.

Nature of Teaching :

The nature of teaching can be explained in the form of the following statements-

(i) Teaching is an internal process

Teaching is an interactive process in which teachers and students work together for specific purposes. It is a process in the classroom in which both the teacher and the students are active participants. If the teacher merely keeps lecturing and the students remain passive listeners, real interaction is not possible.

(ii) Teaching is both an art and a science

The nature of teaching is both artistic and scientific. Teaching planning and evaluation activities are more scientific, whereas the process of teaching is artistic where the teacher uses his skills. The presentation aspect of teaching is an art in which the teacher uses appropriate teaching skills to effectively communicate the subject matter and achieve other teaching objectives. An element of entertainment is also included to prevent teaching from becoming monotonous. Teaching is a combination of artistic skills and scientific knowledge. Teachers must understand the needs of their students, identify their learning styles, and use effective teaching strategies to support their learning process.

(iii) learning is a developmental process

The teaching process plays an important role in the development of children. It helps them bring about changes in the areas of knowledge, emotions and behavior. Teaching imparts knowledge, develops thinking ability and enhances the ability to solve problems. It also promotes emotional development, which enables children to understand and empathize with others. Additionally, teaching focuses on developing practical skills, helping children become independent individuals and achieve success in society.

(iv) learning is a continuous process

Teaching is a continuous process which continues till the teaching-learning objectives are achieved. It involves three major components: action, learning and evaluation. Activity involves providing students with opportunities to learn, teaching involves presenting learning material effectively, and evaluation involves measuring and assessing students’ progress.

(v) Teaching is a process of directing

In teaching, the abilities of the students are taken into account and they are given proper guidance for their development. This process is called goal directing. This ensures that every student is able to reach his or her potential.

(vi) Teaching is a purposeful process

Teaching is a goal-oriented process in which strategies are carefully employed to achieve specific objectives. Teaching is a planned process focused on achieving specific goals. In this, teachers select the curriculum, teaching methods and evaluation techniques based on their objectives. Teaching is done with a well-thought-out strategy to achieve specific objectives.

Functions of Teaching :

Teaching is a great profession that helps students learn and develop practical skills. The primary functions of teaching are as follows:-

(i) Dissemination of knowledge: Teachers provide content knowledge to students, develop their understanding and help them learn critical thinking skills.

(ii) Skill Development: Teaching helps students develop various skills, such as communication, problem-solving, creativity and critical thinking.

(iii) Character Building: Teachers teach students about values, ethics and social responsibility, helping them become good citizens.

(iv) Personality Development: Teaching helps students discover their talents and abilities, boosts their self-confidence and promotes overall personality development.

(v) Preparing for the Future: Teaching prepares students for the future, providing them with the knowledge and skills needed for success in the workforce. The role of a teacher is not limited to just teaching lessons but to help students become knowledgeable, skillful and responsible individuals.

Characteristics of Teaching :

Learning is a complex process that involves the acquisition and transfer of knowledge, skills and attitudes. There are several distinctive features of teaching which distinguish it from other activities:

1. Purposefulness

Teaching is a purposeful activity designed to achieve specific goals. These goals may be academic, social, cognitive or affective. Teachers plan their lessons carefully to achieve these goals.

2. Systematic Process

Teaching is a systematic process involving several steps. It is composed of planning, implementation, evaluation and feedback. Teachers follow these steps to ensure that teaching is effective and efficient.

3. Student Centricity

Teaching is student centric. This means that teachers focus on students’ needs, interests, and learning styles. They develop strategies to engage students in active learning.

4. Interactivity

Teaching is an interactive process in which both the teacher and the students actively participate. Teachers ask questions, lead discussions, and use group work to engage students in their learning experiences.

5. Evaluation

Evaluation is an integral part of teaching. Teachers monitor students’ progress and assess their learning. This information is used to adjust teaching and provide needed support to students.

6. Continuous Process

Learning is a continuous process which continues throughout life. Teachers are always looking for new ways to make their teaching more effective. They also adapt to the changing needs of students.

7. Professional Responsibility

Teaching is a professional responsibility. Teachers are expected to maintain high ethical standards and create a positive environment for their students. They are committed to the well-being and learning success of their students.

These are some of the key features of teaching that differentiate it from other activities. By understanding these characteristics of teaching, teachers can design their lessons to be more effective and maximize student learning.

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